
Nefzawa Academy?

Nefzawa Academy est un centre de formation dynamique, créé par Nefzawa pour renforcer les compétences des jeunes principalement dans les domaines des médias, de l’entrepreneuriat, et de la culture. Agréée par le ministère de la Formation et de l’Emploi sous le numéro 73-068-23, l'académie est située à Kébili sur la route de Gabès et se positionne comme un acteur clé dans la formation et l'accompagnement des jeunes talents de la région.


Nefzawa Academy dispose de plusieurs salles de formation équipées pour offrir des formations théoriques et pratiques. Le centre comprend également une résidence pour les jeunes venant de régions éloignées, situées à plus de 70 km, facilitant ainsi leur accès aux formations.

Philosophie de
Nefzawa Academy

La philosophie de Nefzawa Academy repose sur une approche inclusive et pratique, visant à intégrer les jeunes dans le marché du travail par le biais de formations adaptées aux besoins actuels des secteurs des médias, de l’entrepreneuriat, et de la culture. L’académie met un accent particulier sur l’innovation, la créativité, et l’autonomisation des jeunes en tant qu’acteurs du changement socio-économique dans leurs communautés.

Nouveaux Programmes Lançés en 2024

En 2024, l'académie a introduit trois nouvelles initiatives majeures pour diversifier ses offres et mieux accompagner les jeunes :

Think Tank Nefzawa

Incubateur Nefzawa

Business Accelerator

Think Tank Nefzawa

Le Think Tank Nefzawa est un laboratoire d’idées réunissant des journalistes, des experts en socio-économie, des structures publiques et des membres de la société civile. Son objectif est d’analyser les enjeux socio-économiques régionaux et nationaux, tout en aidant les journalistes à mieux comprendre ces problématiques pour produire des informations précises et pertinentes.

Activités :

Ateliers de réflexion et d’analyse
Séminaires éducatifs
Publications d'études et rapports
Débats et discussions avec des experts
Réseautage avec des acteurs influents du secteur

Incubateur Nefzawa

L’Incubateur Nefzawa a pour mission de soutenir les jeunes entrepreneurs dans les secteurs des médias, de la culture et d’autres secteurs. Il aide à transformer des idées novatrices en projets viables en offrant un accompagnement personnalisé et adapté à chaque étape de leur développement.

Activités :

Incubation de projets innovants
Formations pratiques et ateliers spécifiques
Suivi et mentorat individualisé
Mise à disposition d’espaces de travail collaboratif
Réseautage avec des acteurs influents du secteur

Nouveaux Programmes Lançés en 2024

En 2024, l'académie a introduit trois nouvelles initiatives majeures pour diversifier ses offres et mieux accompagner les jeunes :
Support for Associative and Alternative Media:

As an incubator, the academy provides support for associative and alternative media. It offers resources, specialized training, and advice to strengthen these media, which often play an essential role in diversifying the media voice. Guidance for Bloggers and Influencers: The academy offers personalized guidance to bloggers and influencers, helping them develop skills in content creation, communication, and online presence management. It also guides them on ethical aspects related to their influence.

Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation:

As an incubator, the academy serves as a catalyst for creativity and innovation. It encourages participants to push boundaries, experiment with new forms of storytelling, and explore alternative approaches in the field of media.

Platform for Emerging Voices:

The academy acts as a platform for the emergence of new voices, providing a platform for perspectives that are often underrepresented. It promotes diversity of viewpoints and contributes to creating a more inclusive and representative media landscape.

Integration of Emerging Technologies:

The academy integrates emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence and other technological innovations, into its programs. This prepares participants to navigate an ever-evolving media environment.

Learning and Collaboration Network:

As an incubator, the academy creates a learning and collaboration network where young people, associative media, bloggers, and influencers can interact, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and mutually benefit from their experiences. In summary, the Nefzawa Academy asserts itself as a dynamic incubator, offering much more than just media education. It positions itself as a driver of change, a space where creativity, education, and innovation converge to shape a diverse and forward-looking media landscape.

Academy and Targets:

For the first time, three different targets come together in one place: students interested in media from schools, youth attending youth centers, and young men and women graduates aspiring to work in the media or create their own media outlets.

Students Interested in Media:

The academy offers specific educational programs for students from schools who show an interest in media. These programs include practical courses, workshops, and projects aimed at developing skills in journalism, media production, and understanding contemporary media issues.

Youth Attending Youth Centers:

Programs dedicated to youth in youth centers aim to raise awareness about media and information interactively and participatively. Training sessions on multimedia content creation, social media management, and disinformation awareness are integrated to foster active involvement.

Young Graduates:

Young graduates, whether men or women, benefit from specific training programs tailored to their professional aspirations in the media field. The academy offers training in audiovisual production, investigative journalism, media project management, and also encourages the creation of independent media enterprises.

Common Objectives for the Three Targets:

Encourage diversity of voices by offering training tailored to the specific needs of each group. Foster exchange of ideas and collaboration among participants from different backgrounds. Create an environment conducive to innovation and creativity in the field of media. Promote equal opportunities by providing educational and professional opportunities to a wide range of young talents.

Benefits of Bringing Together These Targets:

Foster the creation of a diverse network of young talents in the media field. Encourage the sharing of experiences and mentorship between different generations. Stimulate collaborative creation of varied and representative media content. Contribute to the emergence of a new generation of influencers and media professionals better prepared and connected.

By unifying these three groups within the academy, it establishes itself as a dynamic convergence point where media education, creativity, and innovation meet, offering a enriching educational and professional experience for each target involved.

Academy and Gender:

The Academy plays a significant role in promoting gender equality and combating gender stereotypes. Here's how the academy can contribute to shaping a positive relationship between itself and the gender issue:
Equitable Training:

The Academy plays a significant role in promoting gender equality and combating gender stereotypes. Here's how the academy can contribute to shaping a positive relationship between itself and the gender issue.

Skills Enhancement:

The academy focuses on enhancing the skills of young women and men equally. It offers training programs that encourage media skills, public speaking, and other professional skills without gender distinction.

Combatting Gender Stereotypes:

The academy's programs include specific modules aimed at raising awareness among participants about gender stereotypes and promoting an egalitarian understanding of roles and responsibilities in the media field.

Guidance for Young Women in Media:

For young women graduates or aspiring to work in the media, the academy offers special initiatives to support them, encourage them, and equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in a field often marked by gender inequalities.

Creation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities:

The academy encourages the creation of independent media enterprises, thus offering equal opportunities for young women and men to establish their own media outlets and actively contribute to the media landscape.

Inclusion of Female Voices:

The academy's programs highlight the inclusion of female voices in media production. This may include specific workshops on female leadership in the media and the creation of a platform where women's achievements in this field are recognized.

Awareness of Diversity:

The academy's training emphasizes awareness of diversity, encouraging participants to recognize and value different perspectives, experiences, and contributions, regardless of gender. By adopting these measures, the academy can play a crucial role in promoting gender equality and creating an environment where women and men have equal opportunities in the media field. Such an approach contributes not only to the empowerment of women but also to the creation of a more diversified, inclusive, and representative media sector.

Influencers in Society:

By focusing on communication and media skills, the academy prepares young women to become positive influencers in their community. The training encourages the development of a responsible online presence and the creation of content that contributes constructively to social dialogue.

Leadership and Innovation:

By positioning itself as the first academy in Tunisia specializing in empowering young women and men as influencers, Nefzawa demonstrates innovative leadership in the field of media and information education.

In summary, the Nefzawa Academy stands out for its commitment to empowering young women and men in southern Tunisia, providing them with the necessary skills to become influencers and agents of positive change while significantly contributing to the fight against gender stereotypes. Its status of certification and official accreditation makes it a reliable reference in the Tunisian educational landscape.


The Nefzawa Academy plays a crucial role in preparing participants for the realities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of media. Here is an in-depth exploration of its specific role towards AI:

Technical AI Training:

The academy offers in-depth technical training to enable learners to understand the fundamental principles of AI. This includes learning algorithms, machine learning models, and natural language processing techniques.

Practical Applications of AI in Media:

The academy's programs include practical sessions on the use of AI in the media. This may encompass exploring data analysis tools, integrating AI into content creation, and understanding emerging trends in AI-based journalism.

Ethical Issue Awareness:

The academy organizes discussions and workshops on ethical issues related to AI, emphasizing the importance of transparency, fairness, and responsibility in the use of this technology. Participants are encouraged to reflect on specific ethical implications in the media context.

Collaborative Projects:

The academy encourages participants to work on collaborative projects integrating AI. This may include data journalism projects, interactive AI-based applications, or other innovative initiatives aiming to leverage the potential of AI in the media field.

Expertise of AI Professionals:

The academy may invite experts and professionals from the AI field to give lectures, workshops, and seminars. These interventions provide learners with practical perspectives and expert advice on the use of AI in the media.

Encouragement of Creativity:

The academy's programs are designed to stimulate participants' creativity in the use of AI. This may include creating prototypes, designing innovative solutions, and reflecting on how AI can be creatively integrated into the media process.

Reflection on the Future of Journalism:

The academy encourages a forward-thinking reflection on how AI might influence the future of journalism. This includes understanding emerging trends such as automated journalism, content personalization, and changes in how information is produced and consumed.

Networking and Professional Opportunities:

By establishing connections with companies and organizations involved in AI, the academy offers networking and professional collaboration opportunities. This may include internship opportunities, joint projects, and networking events with key players in the AI field.


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